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Номера 2021 года:
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Two-storey residential building breaks apart in Yakutsk, Russia’s permafrost capital Permafrost thaw puts Russia’s Arctic ambitions at risk: [about problems of climat thawing] A father and son’s Ice Age plot to slow Siberian thaw: [about scientists Sergey Zimov and his son Nikita who are trying to slow siberian thaw in Chersky (Yakutia)] Arctic on fire: Satellite images reveal raging wildfires just 30 miles from the Arctic Ocean in Siberia after unprecedented heatwave saw locals sunbathing in a blistering 100F: [comments of a climate scientist of the University of Michigan environmental school dean Jonathan Overpeck] We Could Resurrect the Woolly Mammoth. Here's How.: [about resurrecting of mammoth. Comment of an author of the book "Woolly: the true story of the quest to revive Ooe of history's most iconic extinct creatures" Ben Mezrich ] Why Is Yakutsk, One of the Coldest Cities on Earth, the Next Hot Destination?: [with a comment of the MIR site reporter, traveler Lisa Peterson] The great siberian thaw: [about damages caused by thaw like microbs, different diseases would be awaken etc. Human activity redoubles the melting] Mammoth task: the Russian family on a resurrection quest to tackle the climate crisis: [about efforts to slow permafrost thawing, issues of melting and playing God] Welcome to pleistocene park: [about the park of Sergey and Nikita Zimov to slow melting of permafrost and idea to resuscitate mammoths there] WIDER IMAGE-A father and son's Ice Age plot to slow Siberian thaw: [with comments of scientist Sergey Zimov, his son director of the Pleistocene Park Nikita Zimov]