Why Is Yakutsk, One of the Coldest Cities on Earth, the Next Hot Destination?: [with a comment of the MIR site reporter, traveler Lisa Peterson]
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Обложка электронного документа Why Is Yakutsk, One of the Coldest Cities on Earth, the Next Hot Destination?: [with a comment of the MIR site reporter, traveler Lisa Peterson]

Why Is Yakutsk, One of the Coldest Cities on Earth, the Next Hot Destination?: [with a comment of the MIR site reporter, traveler Lisa Peterson]

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Mircorp.com : [сайт про путешествия] 05.06.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Why Is Yakutsk, One of the Coldest Cities on Earth, the Next Hot Destination? : [with a comment of the MIR site reporter, traveler Lisa Peterson] / photo Lisa Peterson, Max Sjöblom // Mircorp.com : [сайт про путешествия]. - 2020. - 30 April. URL: https://www.mircorp.com/yakutsk-coldest-cities-next-hot-destination/ (дата обращения: 17.03.2023). - [16+]. -

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