Sampling a recent burn scar in Yakutia: [about expedition aimed to collect ground measurements to quantify the amount of carbon released during the fire events]
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Обложка электронного документа Sampling a recent burn scar in Yakutia: [about expedition aimed to collect ground measurements to quantify the amount of carbon released during the fire events]

Sampling a recent burn scar in Yakutia: [about expedition aimed to collect ground measurements to quantify the amount of carbon released during the fire events]

Delcourt Clement, Делкурт Клемент
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Е : [сайт НАСА] 21.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Delcourt, Clement.
Sampling a recent burn scar in Yakutia : [about expedition aimed to collect ground measurements to quantify the amount of carbon released during the fire events] / Clement Delcourt ; photo Clement Delcourt // Е : [сайт НАСА]. - 2019. - 9 августа. Режим доступа: [16+]. -

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