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Рекомендации по теме
Smoke from forest fires engulfs city in Russia's far east "Everything is on fire": Siberia hit by unprecedented burning
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Номера 2021 года:
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Global wildfires have released a record 4.7 gigatons of CO2 in 2021 so far - more than the entire European Union An Unusually Smoky Fire Season in Sakha: [about forest fires in Yakutia in 2021 with comments of earth scientist of Miami University (Ohio) Jessica McCarty] Sampling a recent burn scar in Yakutia: [about expedition aimed to collect ground measurements to quantify the amount of carbon released during the fire events] Forest fire forces Russia to evacuate 830 from summer camp Desperate calls for help from Arctic village of Svatay caged by wildfires: [with comments of the scientist, director of Pleistocene Park Nikita Zimov] It's not getting better... Siberia remains worst-hit as 175,000 firefighters battle forest blazes Якутия просит денег на тушение пожаров Якутские медведи от пожаров бегут к людям. На их тушение в республику выслали самолет - амфибию Russia's Putin urges stronger response to Siberian wildfires Russian army helicopters join battle against Siberian wildfires: [with comments of a firefighter Dulstan Dyachkovsky, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov]