Products from mammoth Tusk in Yakutia in the 18th century (based on the materials of funerary monuments): [it is an abstract of article]
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Обложка электронного документа Products from mammoth Tusk in Yakutia in the 18th century (based on the materials of funerary monuments): [it is an abstract of article]

Products from mammoth Tusk in Yakutia in the 18th century (based on the materials of funerary monuments): [it is an abstract of article]

Prokopieva Aleksandra , Прокопьева Александра, Слепцова Айталина, Sleptsova Aytalina
Архивировано : [сайт c научными статьями] 21.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Prokopieva, Aleksandra .
Products from mammoth Tusk in Yakutia in the 18th century.- [16+]. -

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