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Mammoth ivory: curbs on the Siberian trade may be good news for elephants: [curbs and ban of elephant ivory in China has made mining mammoth tusks a much less lucrative business in Russia. Comment of yakut ex-bisnessman on trading ivory Dmitry, director of conservation at WWF Hong Kong David Olson, professional ivory carver from Yakutia Alexander] Ancient weapons 'factory' where shards of mammoth tusks were of sharpened into spears and knives 10,000 years ago is found in Siberia: [with comments of the mammoth expert Innokenty Pavlov] In Russia's far north, prospecting for mammoths is a cottage industry The mammoth hunters: Inside the harsh, vodka-soaked world of the Russian pirates illegally digging up prehistoric remains to sell for millions on the black market Mummy of a woman wearing fur underwear and foal-skin stockings with copper cross on her chest is found in world's coldest region - but scientists decide against removing her skull 'for ethical reasons': [comment of the archaeologist of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Elena Solovyova] Древнее захоронение обнаружили в Намском улусе. В селе Кысыл-Сыр Намского улуса во время ремонта газовой трубы сотрудники "Сахатранснефтегаза" обнаружили древнюю могилу, сообщает сетевое издание "СахаНаука" Ископаемая мамонтовая кость - особый геокриогенный природный ресурс Севера России: проблемы права, экономики и организация рационального пользования Ученые Якутии предлагают создать палеогенетическое криохранилище: [с комментарием младшего научного сотрудника лаборатории Музея мамонта СВФУ Гаврила Новгородова, кандидата биологических наук, старшего научного сотрудника научного центра "Вектор" Олеси Охлопковой] Welcome to our new blog offering a look at How The World Sees Siberia - in English Rare mammoth tusk sculpture on show for first time in Arctic display: [comments of British Museum curator Amber Lincoln]