Siberian wildfires now bigger than all other fires in world combined: [comments of a senior pilot-observer of the federal Aerial Forest Protection Service (Yakutia’s branch) Sviatoslav Kolesov, an instructor of the Aerial Forest Protection Service Pavel Arzhakov, a fire fighter Yura Revnivik,a teacher from Yakutsk Afanasy Yefremov]
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Обложка электронного документа Siberian wildfires now bigger than all other fires in world combined: [comments of a senior pilot-observer  of the federal Aerial Forest Protection Service (Yakutia’s branch) Sviatoslav Kolesov, an instructor of the Aerial Forest Protection Service Pavel Arzhakov, a fire fighter Yura Revnivik,a teacher from Yakutsk  Afanasy Yefremov]

Siberian wildfires now bigger than all other fires in world combined: [comments of a senior pilot-observer of the federal Aerial Forest Protection Service (Yakutia’s branch) Sviatoslav Kolesov, an instructor of the Aerial Forest Protection Service Pavel Arzhakov, a fire fighter Yura Revnivik,a teacher from Yakutsk Afanasy Yefremov]

Reevell Patrick, Ривел Патрик
А : [информационный портал] 15.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Reevell, Patrick.
Siberian wildfires now bigger than all other fires in world combined : [comments of a senior pilot-observer of the federal Aerial Forest Protection Service.-

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