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Исследователи Новосибирских островов Якутии: "История экономики"
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Номера 1897 года:
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Ископаемые ледники Ново-сибирских островов, их отношение к трупам мамонтов и к ледниковому периоду: на основании работ двух экспедиций, снаряженных Императорской Академией наук, в 1885 - 1886 и в 1893 годах (с 8 таблицами) 20,000-year-old mammoth murder established: but was it committed by first American migrants? Социалистическая Якутия Female woolly mammoth gave birth to nine babies: can she have another 28,000 years later?: [with the comments of the Director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University Semyon Grigoryev] Woolly mammoth skin found 'well preserved in permafrost' gives new hope for cloning: [with the comments of the Director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University Semyon Grigoryev] Team of international scientists poised for hunt to new woolly mammoth graveyard: [comments of the head of the Mammoth Museum in Yakutsk Semyon Grigoryev, scientist of the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Theodore Obade] A woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) carcass from Maly Lyakhovsky Island (New Siberian Islands, Russian Federation) Ученые-географы Якутии: биобиблиографический справочник Современный климат и вечная мерзлота на континентах