Permafrost thaw is threatening homes and infrastructure in Siberia and the Russian Arctic: [comments of a scientist at Moscow State University Alexey Maslakov, a director of Yakutsk’s Melnikov Permafrost Institute Mikhail Zheleznyak, a deputy director of the Permafrost Institute Alexander Fyodorov, Ecology Minister Alexander Kozlov, Churapcha village residents Yegor Dyachkovsky and Sergei Atlasov]
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Обложка электронного документа Permafrost thaw is threatening homes and infrastructure in Siberia and the Russian Arctic: [comments of a scientist at Moscow State University Alexey Maslakov, a director of Yakutsk’s Melnikov Permafrost Institute Mikhail Zheleznyak, a deputy director of the Permafrost Institute Alexander Fyodorov, Ecology Minister Alexander Kozlov, Churapcha village residents Yegor Dyachkovsky and Sergei Atlasov]

Permafrost thaw is threatening homes and infrastructure in Siberia and the Russian Arctic: [comments of a scientist at Moscow State University Alexey Maslakov, a director of Yakutsk’s Melnikov Permafrost Institute Mikhail Zheleznyak, a deputy director of the Permafrost Institute Alexander Fyodorov, Ecology Minister Alexander Kozlov, Churapcha village residents Yegor Dyachkovsky and Sergei Atlasov]

Shemetov Maxim, Шеметов Максим
А : [новостной сайт арктических районов] 17.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Shemetov, Maxim.
Permafrost thaw is threatening homes and infrastructure in Siberia and the Russian Arctic : [comments of a scientist at Moscow State University Alexey Maslakov, a director of Yakutsk’s Melnikov Permafrost Institute Mikhail Zheleznyak, a deputy director of the Permafrost Institute Alexander Fyodorov, Ecology Minister Alexander Kozlov, Churapcha village residents Yegor Dyachkovsky and Sergei Atlasov] / Maxim Shemetov // А : [новостной сайт арктических районов]. - 2021. - 18 октября. Режим доступа: [16+]. -

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