Покровское погребение 2 раннего железного века
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Обложка электронного документа Покровское погребение 2 раннего железного века

Покровское погребение 2 раннего железного века

Известия лаборатории древних технологий <br>Reports of the laboratory of ancient technologies
In 1992 at civil work in Pokrovsk-tawn (Khangalasskiy ulus, Republic Saha (Yakutia)) ancient burial has been dug. Belonging of the found subjects in one burial it is not established, but them is possible to unit conditionally under name Pokrovsk grave (PG 2). In 1940 in same district "on high (12 m) to a terrace" A.P.Okladnikov has found the first Pokrovsk grave (PG 1) [Окладников, 1950, with 12-18; Эпоха бронзы..., 1987, fig. 133,4.7-9,19).Close localization of these graves, analogies among subjects where similarity is traced in presence of spindle intermediaries of arrowheads, all this undoubtedly allows to attribute found in bulldozer trench, intermediaries, bones and flint arrowheads to funeral subjects of the Pokrovsk grave 2. Bone plates of an armour, overlay of a bow, and also a compound product from the massive horn intermediary and two sharppoint probably too relate to burial. Other products concern to burial conditionally. Inconsistently the belonging to one complex of iron head and flint head. The iron head has the advanced forms which are comparable with arrowheads of Late Middle ages. The age of PG 2 is specified spindcl intermediaries of arrowheads, in split at them oxides of iron were kept. It allows to date PG 2 F.arly Iron Age confidently enough. From other bone subjects the overlays of a bow the Iron Age dates. Such bone lateral overlays appear in the beginning Hunn time. The above analogies in subjects of BG 2 and BG 1 allow to reconsider of dating the First Pokrovsk grave and connect his age with the Second Pokrovsk grave wich dated by the early Iron Age (V century ВС - V century AD).
  • Библиографическая запись

Степанов, А. Д. Покровское погребение 2 раннего железного века / А. Д. Степанов, Э. К. Жирков // Известия лаборатории древних технологий. — 2006. — Вып. 4. — С. 309-313.

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