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Рекомендации по теме
Использование Google Earth Engine (GEE) и спутниковых снимков LANDSAT для определения характеристик лесных пожаров Using Google Earth Engine (GEE) and LANDSAT satellite images to detect forest fires Siberian wildfires now bigger than all other fires in world combined: [comments of a senior pilot-observer of the federal Aerial Forest Protection Service (Yakutia’s branch) Sviatoslav Kolesov, an instructor of the Aerial Forest Protection Service Pavel Arzhakov, a fire fighter Yura Revnivik,a teacher from Yakutsk Afanasy Yefremov] Airpocalypse’ hits Siberian city as heatwave sparks forest fires: [about forest fires, toxic smoke in Yakutia, their damages. Comment of the head of the forest department in Greenpeace Russia Alexey Yaroshenko] Forest fires create hell on earth: Yakutia: [about forests fire in 2021 with photos from Youtube] Fierce forest fires erupt in Russia's Yakutia: [about forest fires in Yakutia (2021). Comment of a forestry official Vladimir Ivanov] An Unusually Smoky Fire Season in Sakha: [about forest fires in Yakutia in 2021 with comments of earth scientist of Miami University (Ohio) Jessica McCarty] A Record-Breaking Year for Fire in Sakha: [about forest fires in Yakutia with comment of a NASA and National Institute of Aerospace associate research fellow Amber Soja] Russian military sends planes to fight wildfires in Siberia: [with comments of the Russian state agency responsible for fighting forest fires Avialesookhrana] Wildfires blaze in Siberia, Russian Far East: [with comments of the Russian state agency responsible for fighting forest fires Avialesookhrana] Fivefold growth of forest fires in Siberia reported Volunteers pitch in to fight Russia's raging forest fires: [comments of a volunteer Ivan Nikiforov, a member of the Russian parliament from Sakha Republic Fedot Tumusov] State or emergency in Siberia's largest permafrost region - due to wildfires: [with comments of the head of the republic's Forestry Department Vyacheslav Popov, Vilyui district' administration head Sergey Vinokurov] Siberian wildfires burn over 1.5 million hectares of forest as smoke and heatwave choke ‘world’s coldest city’: [with comments of the republic’s first deputy prime minister Dmitry Sadovnikov, the senior scientist of Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Mark Parrington] Planes dump water on Siberian wildfires as residents plead for help: [with comments of the Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, head of WWF Russia's forest programme office Andrey Shegolev] Анализ экономических последствий лесных пожаров в Республике Саха (Якутия) An Analysis of Economic Consequences of Forest Fires in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) Влияние лесных пожаров на лесную экосистему The impact of forest fires on the forest ecosystem Volunteers pitch in to fight Russia’s raging forest fires: [comments of a member of the Russian parliament from Sakha Fedot Tumusov, Mikhail Kreindlin from Greenpeace Russia, a senior scientist at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Mark Parrington] Влияние климатических изменений на частоту и интенсивность лесных пожаров: перспективы, последствия и риски = Impact of climate change on the frequency and intensityof forest fires: perspectives, consequences and risks
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