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Рекомендации по теме
Охрана воздушной среды: зонирование территории г. Якутска по факторам загрязнения атмосферы City Territory Zoning with the Atmosphere Pollution Factors Многолетняя динамика АОТ в Центральной Якутии: локальные источники загрязнения атмосферного воздуха Long-term dynamics of AOD in Central Yakutia: local sources of atmospheric air pollution
Другие выпуски
Номера 2020 года:
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Якутск накрыло дымом от "своих" и "чужих" лесных пожаров. В воздухе отмечается повышенное содержание вредных веществ: [с комментариями заместителя руководителя Рослесхоза Алексея Венглинского] UN weather agency affirms 2020 Arctic heat record in Siberia Vast wildfires in Russia's Yakutia set emissions record - monitor 2019 to be ‘worst-ever year’ for wildfires in Siberia and ‘only rain can now extinguish flames’: [with comments of the press secretary of Greenpeace Russia Konstantin Fomin] State of emergency in Russia's Yakutia expanded over fires Sun ‘disappears’ in middle of summer across vast swathes of Siberia in mysterious phenomenon Siberian city residents advised to stay home to avoid smoke from wildfires: [with comments of the mayor of Yakutsk Evgeny Grigoriev] Planes dump water on Siberian wildfires as residents plead for help: [with comments of the Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, head of WWF Russia's forest programme office Andrey Shegolev] Escape from HELL: Arctic villagers flee raging wildfires on boats as 35ft flames encircle remote settlement Volunteers pitch in to fight Russia’s raging forest fires: [comments of a member of the Russian parliament from Sakha Fedot Tumusov, Mikhail Kreindlin from Greenpeace Russia, a senior scientist at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Mark Parrington]