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The Dolgans’ Ethnic Identity and Language Processes = Этническое самосознание и языковые процессы у долган The Sakha People: [history, culture and development] Study of the natural and cultural space of the Sakha ethnos: [it is an abstract of article is devoted to the problem of preserving interethnic tolerance and cultural heritage] Sakha literature and formation of new post-soviet identity: [it is an abstract of Oleg Sidorov about ] Sociocultural Dynamics of the Ethnical Processes of the Evenks = Социокультурная динамика этнических процессов эвенков Ethno-Identification Symbols in the Formation of National Consciousness = Этноидентификационные символы в формировании национального самосознания An Introduction to the Yakut People: [information about Sakha Republik. Its a short information about native people, culture and history. Also there is an invitation to visit Yakutia with their group] Resources and Exchange in the Northern Part of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) = Ресурсы и обмен в Северной части Республики Саха (Якутия) Scenario of the Future of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. Foresight Research = Сценарии будущего Республики Саха (Якутия). Форсайт-исследование Development of the Sub-Ethnic Group of the Yessei Yakuts: Landscape, History, Memory = Формирование субэтнической группы ессейских якутов: ландшафт, история, память