Monoalkylbenzenes in oils of the Vendian-Cambrian deposits


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Обложка электронного документа Monoalkylbenzenes in oils of the Vendian-Cambrian deposits

Monoalkylbenzenes in oils of the Vendian-Cambrian deposits

Peculiarities of the distribution of high-molecular normal alkylbenzenes in the Vendian-Cambrian oils of the Siberian platform are studied according to the data of chromatomass-spectrometry. The predominance of high-molecular homologues with the odd number of carbon atoms in a molecule is established. The possible biochemical precursors and the probable mechanism of the formation of “odd” monoalkylbenzenes are suggested.
  • Библиографическая запись

Ivanova, I. K. Monoalkylbenzenes in oils of the Vendian-Cambrian deposits / I. K. Ivanova // Нефтегазовое дело. - 2008, N 1. - С. 23.

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