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Описание костных остатков шерстистого носорога Coelodonta antiquitatis Blum., 1799 из нового местонахождения мамонтовой фауны на р. Огороха (бассейн р. Индигирка, Абыйский район, Якутия) Description of bone residues of woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis Blum., 1799, from the new location of mammoth fauna R. Ogorokha (basin of the Indigirka river, Abyiskii district, Yakutia) Extremely well-preserved woolly rhino is discovered in Siberia’s melting permafrost: [the rhino was discovered in Yakutia in 2020] 13,300-year-old spear made from a woolly rhino horn discovered in Siberia - and it's still sharp enough to kill: [with comments of the Director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University in Yakutsk Semyon Grigoryev] Meet Sasha - the world's only baby woolly rhino: [with the comments of Head of the Mammoth Fauna Department of Sakha Republic Academy of Sciences Albert Protopopov] Sasha, the world's only baby woolly rhino, is 34,000 years old, say scientists: [with the comments of Head of the Mammoth Fauna Department of Sakha Republic Academy of Sciences Albert Protopopov, a research fellow of the Zoological Institute in St Petersburg Olga Potapova] Lifelike again after 34,000 years, the world’s only baby woolly rhino: [with the comments of Scientist Valery Plotnikov, Senior Researcher of the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yevgeny Maschenko] Well-preserved Ice Age woolly rhino found in Siberia: [with comments of the paleontologist with the regional branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Plotnikov] Adolescent woolly rhino with hazel coloured fur that has been preserved in the Siberian permafrost for up to 40,000 years is thawed out for the first time: [with comments of the paleontologist with the regional branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Plotnikov, Head of the Mammoth Fauna Department of Sakha Republic Academy of Sciences Albert Protopopov, Palaeontologist Dr Gennady Boeskorov] Woolly rhinoceros baby is three times older than thought: Autopsy reveals 18-month-old calf roamed Siberia 34,000 years ago: [with comments of the head of the Department of Mammoth Fauna Studies of the Sakha Republic Academy of Science Dr Albert Protopopov] Siberia permafrost yields well-preserved ice age woolly rhino: calf carcass from thawing ground in north-east region of Yakutia found with many internal organs intact
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