Sources of excitation and damping of PC5 geomagnetic pulsations during the magnetic storms of october 29-31, 2003 influence of the solar wind and auroral electrojets
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Обложка электронного документа Sources of excitation and damping of PC5 geomagnetic pulsations during the magnetic storms of october 29-31, 2003 influence of the solar wind and auroral electrojets

Sources of excitation and damping of PC5 geomagnetic pulsations during the magnetic storms of october 29-31, 2003 influence of the solar wind and auroral electrojets

  • Библиографическая запись

Sources of excitation and damping of PC5 geomagnetic pulsations during the magnetic storms of october 29-31, 2003 influence of the solar wind and auroral electrojets : [тезисы докладов] / Solovyev S. I., Moiseyev A. V., Du A., Engebretson M., Newitt L. R. // International symposium on Solar Extreme Events of 2003 : programme and abstract book. – Москва : УНЦ ДО, 2004. – P. 59.