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Номера 2021 года:
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В Якутске из-за дыма горожанам стало трудно дышать. Специалисты выявили в воздухе слишком большое количество окиси углерода Arctic on fire: Satellite images reveal raging wildfires just 30 miles from the Arctic Ocean in Siberia after unprecedented heatwave saw locals sunbathing in a blistering 100F: [comments of a climate scientist of the University of Michigan environmental school dean Jonathan Overpeck] UN weather agency confirms Arctic heat record in Siberia: [comment of the WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas] Якутск накрыло дымом от "своих" и "чужих" лесных пожаров. В воздухе отмечается повышенное содержание вредных веществ: [с комментариями заместителя руководителя Рослесхоза Алексея Венглинского] Worst-Ever Arctic Fires Released Record Amount of CO2: [comments of the Mark Parrington, senior scientist at CAMS] Record-breaking heatwave with temperatures of 118F hits...Siberia U.N. agency confirms 2020 Arctic heat record The Arctic is on fire: Siberian heat wave alarms scientists: [comments of the climate scientist, environmental school dean of the University of Michigan Jonathan Overpeck] Explainer: What is fueling Russia's 'unprecedented' fires? New Siberian cave research urgently needed amid fresh fears of global warming