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Номера 2021 года:
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Smoke from wildfires covers 1,000 villages in Siberia: [with comments of meteorologist with the Fobos weather center Yelena Volosyuk] Russia evacuates two villages in Siberia because of wildfires В Якутии пылают сотни тысяч гектаров леса. Справиться с огнем пока не получается Wildfires endanger villages and fuel site in Russia´s Siberia State of emergency in Russia's Yakutia expanded over fires Wildfires endanger villages, fuel site, in Russia’s Siberia: [with comments of the head of Yakutia Aysen Nikolayev] Volunteers rescue cats caught in Siberian wildfires Wildfires rage in Russia's Siberia, cause airport to close: [with comments of the Yakutia's governor Aysen Nikolayev, resident of Magaras Vasiliy Krivoshapkin] "Ни техники, ни раций, ни GPS-навигаторов…": маленькое якутское село против Большого огня. Якутские власти бросили людей на произвол судьбы в огненном аду: [село Магарас (Горный улус)] Sampling a recent burn scar in Yakutia: [about expedition aimed to collect ground measurements to quantify the amount of carbon released during the fire events]