Why the Film Industry Is Thriving in the Russian Wilderness: [comments of yakut motion-picture director Stepan Burnashev, documentary photographer Alexey Vasilyev about film industry in Yakutia (Sakhawood)]
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Обложка электронного документа Why the Film Industry Is Thriving in the Russian Wilderness: [comments of yakut motion-picture director Stepan Burnashev, documentary photographer Alexey Vasilyev about film industry in Yakutia (Sakhawood)]

Why the Film Industry Is Thriving in the Russian Wilderness: [comments of yakut motion-picture director Stepan Burnashev, documentary photographer Alexey Vasilyev about film industry in Yakutia (Sakhawood)]

Haynes Suyin, Хэйнс Суин, Роач Маделин, Roache Roache
Тime.com : [информационный портал] 17.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Haynes, Suyin.
Why the Film Industry Is Thriving in the Russian Wilderness : [comments of yakut motion-picture director Stepan Burnashev, documentary photographer Alexey Vasilyev about film industry in Yakutia.- [16+]. -

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