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Critical permafrost research in Russia disrupted by war in Ukraine: [how foreign sanctions bother their scientists to research permafrost in Yakutia (Russia). Comments of the Arctic program director of the Woodwell Climate Research Center Sue Natali, a permafrost researcher at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Alexander Kholodov, a professor of earth systems science at the University of Zurich Gabriela Schaepman-Strub, deputy director of the Melnikov Permafrost Institute in Yakutsk Alexander Fedorov] A disastrous summer in the Arctic: [last years Siberia is in the midst of an astonishing and historic heat wave ever. Comment of the World Meteorological Organization’s rapporteur of weather and climate extremes Randy Cerveny] Arctic on fire: Satellite images reveal raging wildfires just 30 miles from the Arctic Ocean in Siberia after unprecedented heatwave saw locals sunbathing in a blistering 100F: [comments of a climate scientist of the University of Michigan environmental school dean Jonathan Overpeck] Arctic climate amplification and Siberia’s burning forests Climate-fueled permafrost thaw threatens up to half of Arctic infrastructure - report Russian diamond giant ALROSA found biggest jewelry gem in decade
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Russian land of permafrost and mammoths is thawing 250 млрд убытков может принести России таяние вечной мерзлоты. Такой вывод озвучил американский ученый Russia's remote permafrost thaws, threatening homes and infrastructure: [with comments of the director of Yakutsk's Melnikov Permafrost Institute Mikhail Zheleznyak, the deputy director of the Permafrost Institute Alexander Fyodorov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russian Federation Alexander Kozlov] Will the Arctic be ice-free in 40 years? Expert claims temperatures in polar regions are rising four times faster than the rest of the planet Актуальная Якутия = Бүгүҥҥү Саха Сирэ: информационно-аналитический бюллетень 2022, вып. 4 (16) Thawing Siberian permafrost could see anthrax and prehistoric diseases come back to life as temperatures warm rapidly and create a breeding ground for dormant spores, scientist claims: [with comments of the Yakutsk biologist and scientist Boris Kershengolts] Таяние вечной мерзлоты в отдаленных районах России угрожает домам и инфраструктуре: [село Чурапча. с комментарием ученого Московского государственного университета Алексея Маслакова, директора Института мерзлотоведения им. П. И. Мельникова Михаила Железняка и жителей села] Полюс холода превратился в полюс жары. Ситуацией заинтересовались в ООН Siberia's ‘gateway to the underworld' grows as record heat wave thaws permafrost: [about permafrost thaws in terms of Batagay's largest slump in Yakutia. Comments of a permafrost scientist at Lomonosov Moscow State University Alexander Kizyakov, a paleoclimatologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute Thomas Opel, a paleobotanist at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History Kseniia Ashastina] New Siberian cave research urgently needed amid fresh fears of global warming