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Номера 2019 года:
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Frozen pygmy woolly mammoth carcass unearthed in Siberia could be proof of a new species of ice age beast: [with comments of the Mammoth expert, head of the department for the study of mammoth fauna, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Dr Albert Protopopov] Arctic island woolly mammoth shows strongest evidence yet of human slaughter and butchering: [with comments of the head of the department for the study of mammoth fauna of the Yakutian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov] 20,000-year-old mammoth murder established: but was it committed by first American migrants? Unmasked: the scale of Arctic junk polluting the pristine environment: [with comments of the minister for nature preservation in the Republic of Sakha Sahamin Afanasiyev, Kirill Chistyakov vice president of Russian Geographic Society and director of the Institute of Earth Studies at St Petersburg State University] In Russia's far north, prospecting for mammoths is a cottage industry The mammoth hunters: Inside the harsh, vodka-soaked world of the Russian pirates illegally digging up prehistoric remains to sell for millions on the black market World’s northernmost Palaeolithic settlement found on Kotelny island in the Arctic: [about the occurance of a woolly mammoth killed by people Palaeolithic era ant their butchering tools. Comments of senior researcher at the Stone Age Archaeology Department of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, part of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Kandyba, head of the department of mammoth fauna of the Academy of Sciences of Yakutia Dr Albert Protopopov] Mammoth ivory: curbs on the Siberian trade may be good news for elephants: [curbs and ban of elephant ivory in China has made mining mammoth tusks a much less lucrative business in Russia. Comment of yakut ex-bisnessman on trading ivory Dmitry, director of conservation at WWF Hong Kong David Olson, professional ivory carver from Yakutia Alexander] Interview: Photojournalist Follows Siberia’s Risky New Gold Rush by Shadowing Mammoth Tusk Hunters Suspected first trace of Beringia people on the land bridge - now mostly sunken - joining Russia and North America: [with the comments of the researcher Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North (IHRISN) Tomas Simokaitis]