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Номера 2021 года:
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Исчезнувшие 5 деревень Якутии, которые были ликвидированы. Когда-то улицы этих населенных пунктов были полны жизни и планов, а сегодня их не отличить от декораций к фильму Сталкер: [история и фото] Почему замерзают арктические села Якутии. Северян опять подвел федеральный законодатель Polar bear wanders 1,000km inland The great siberian thaw: [about damages caused by thaw like microbs, different diseases would be awaken etc. Human activity redoubles the melting] Arctic on fire: Satellite images reveal raging wildfires just 30 miles from the Arctic Ocean in Siberia after unprecedented heatwave saw locals sunbathing in a blistering 100F: [comments of a climate scientist of the University of Michigan environmental school dean Jonathan Overpeck] Ice is a lifeline for the world's coldest region: [how local people get ice to drink and pollution from gold, diamond mining companies. Comments of Oy village residents Innokenty Tobonov and Pelageya Semenova, head of the Eyge environmental NGO and environmentalist Valentina Dmitriyeva] A father and son’s Ice Age plot to slow Siberian thaw: [about scientists Sergey Zimov and his son Nikita who are trying to slow siberian thaw in Chersky (Yakutia)] A polar bear went far inland in Yakutia: [it was spotted in Tomponskiy district (Yakutia)] Siberia's ‘gateway to the underworld' grows as record heat wave thaws permafrost: [about permafrost thaws in terms of Batagay's largest slump in Yakutia. Comments of a permafrost scientist at Lomonosov Moscow State University Alexander Kizyakov, a paleoclimatologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute Thomas Opel, a paleobotanist at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History Kseniia Ashastina] Mammoth task: the Russian family on a resurrection quest to tackle the climate crisis: [about efforts to slow permafrost thawing, issues of melting and playing God]