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Frozen pygmy woolly mammoth carcass unearthed in Siberia could be proof of a new species of ice age beast: [with comments of the Mammoth expert, head of the department for the study of mammoth fauna, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Dr Albert Protopopov] Жителям Якутии покажут шерстистого носорога. Животное погибло от 20 до 50 тысяч лет назад Well-preserved Ice Age woolly rhino found in Siberia Scientists dissect 3,500-year-old bear discovered in Siberian permafrost
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Woolly rhinoceros baby is three times older than thought: Autopsy reveals 18-month-old calf roamed Siberia 34,000 years ago: [with comments of the head of the Department of Mammoth Fauna Studies of the Sakha Republic Academy of Science Dr Albert Protopopov] Sasha, the world's only baby woolly rhino, is 34,000 years old, say scientists: [with the comments of Head of the Mammoth Fauna Department of Sakha Republic Academy of Sciences Albert Protopopov, a research fellow of the Zoological Institute in St Petersburg Olga Potapova] В Якутии нашли единственную в мире тушу детеныша шерстистого носорога: [с комментарием руководителя Отдела мамонтовой фауны Альберта Протопопова] Meet Sasha - the world's only baby woolly rhino: [with the comments of Head of the Mammoth Fauna Department of Sakha Republic Academy of Sciences Albert Protopopov] Well-preserved Ice Age woolly rhino found in Siberia: [with comments of the paleontologist with the regional branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Plotnikov] Археологи нашли останки мамонта, шерстистого носорога и бизона в Якутии Ancient bones of mystery creature dug up by children in Yakutian village: [with the comments of the head of the local school lore museum Varvara Kuzmina] Beastly bacteria on extinct ancient carcasses offers "cure" for modern oil pollution Щенок ледникового периода преподнес ученым неожиданный сюрприз. В желудке 14-тысячелетнего щенка обнаружили останки, возможно последнего, шерстистого носорога на Земле Lifelike again after 34,000 years, the world’s only baby woolly rhino: [with the comments of Scientist Valery Plotnikov, Senior Researcher of the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yevgeny Maschenko]