Study of the natural and cultural space of the Sakha ethnos: [it is an abstract of article is devoted to the problem of preserving interethnic tolerance and cultural heritage]
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Обложка электронного документа Study of the natural and cultural space of the Sakha ethnos: [it is an abstract of article is devoted to the problem of preserving interethnic tolerance and cultural heritage]

Study of the natural and cultural space of the Sakha ethnos: [it is an abstract of article is devoted to the problem of preserving interethnic tolerance and cultural heritage]

Fedorova Sardana , Фёдорова Сардана, Коноплева Нина, Konopleva Nina
Архивировано : [сайт c научными статьями] 21.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Fedorova, Sardana .
Study of the natural and cultural space of the Sakha ethnos : [it is an abstract of article is devoted to the problem of preserving interethnic tolerance and cultural heritage] / Sardana Fedorova, Nina Konopleva // : [сайт c научными статьями]. - 2022. - 9 февраля. Режим доступа: [16+]. -

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