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Two-storey residential building breaks apart in Yakutsk, Russia’s permafrost capital People of the Changing Permafrost Land (Churapcha, Republic of Sakha Yakutia, Russia, June 18-19, 2019) ICE LAW subproject Local and Indigenous Perspectives: [about the third community meeting ‘People of the Changing Permafrost Land’ in Churapcha (Yakutia). The degradation of the permafrost scape, changes in the water-ice-land interface and their impact on the livelihoods of Arctic inhabitants were addressed during the seminar] Siberian region fights to preserve permafrost as planet warms[how to save the permafrost in Yakutia and problems with melting. Comments of a construction worker and environmental activist Eduard Romanov, a deputy director of the Permafrost Inrtitute Mikhail Grigoryev] Building breaks in middle and collapses 10 metres as thawing permafrost no longer supports stilts: [with comments of the director of the North-Eastern Scientific Station outside Chersky Nikita Zimov] The great siberian thaw: [about damages caused by thaw like microbs, different diseases would be awaken etc. Human activity redoubles the melting] Актуальная Якутия = Бүгүҥҥү Саха Сирэ: информационно-аналитический бюллетень 2022, вып. 4 (16) New Siberian cave research urgently needed amid fresh fears of global warming Why Is Yakutsk, One of the Coldest Cities on Earth, the Next Hot Destination?: [with a comment of the MIR site reporter, traveler Lisa Peterson] Айсен Николаев: "В глобальной перспективе на Якутию возложены важнейшие экологические функции планетарного масштаба": [о климатических изменениях] Siberia's permafrost melt is causing swamps, lakes, making land difficult to live on: [comments of scientist Petr Yefremov, head of the laboratory at the Melnikov Permafrost Institute (Yakutsk) Pavel Konstatinov, professor of geophysics at the University of Alaska (Fairbanks) Vladimir Romanovsky]