Mammoth ivory: curbs on the Siberian trade may be good news for elephants: [curbs and ban of elephant ivory in China has made mining mammoth tusks a much less lucrative business in Russia. Comment of yakut ex-bisnessman on trading ivory Dmitry, director of conservation at WWF Hong Kong David Olson, professional ivory carver from Yakutia Alexander]
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Обложка электронного документа Mammoth ivory: curbs on the Siberian trade may be good news for elephants: [curbs and ban of elephant ivory in China has made mining mammoth tusks a much less lucrative business in Russia. Comment of yakut ex-bisnessman on trading ivory Dmitry, director of conservation at WWF Hong Kong David Olson, professional ivory carver from Yakutia Alexander]

Mammoth ivory: curbs on the Siberian trade may be good news for elephants: [curbs and ban of elephant ivory in China has made mining mammoth tusks a much less lucrative business in Russia. Comment of yakut ex-bisnessman on trading ivory Dmitry, director of conservation at WWF Hong Kong David Olson, professional ivory carver from Yakutia Alexander]

Toropov Pavel, Торопов Павел
С : [информационный портал о Китае] 17.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Mammoth ivory: curbs on the Siberian trade may be good news for elephants : [curbs and ban of elephant ivory in China has made mining mammoth tusks a much less lucrative business in Russia. Comment of yakut ex-bisnessman on trading ivory Dmitry, director of conservation at WWF Hong Kong David Olson, professional ivory carver from Yakutia Alexander] / Pavel Toropov ; photo Sergei Karpukhin, Bobby Yip, James Pomfret // С : [информационный портал о Китае]. - 2021. - 1 июня. Режим доступа: https: // [16+]. -

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