The adventure is over! Polar bear that wandered 675 miles from its habitat across Russia is finally captured (and it's not very happy about it!): [with comments of Minister of ecology in Yakutia region, Sahamin Afanasiev]
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Обложка электронного документа The adventure is over! Polar bear that wandered 675 miles from its habitat across Russia is finally captured (and it's not very happy about it!): [with comments of Minister of ecology in Yakutia region, Sahamin Afanasiev]

The adventure is over! Polar bear that wandered 675 miles from its habitat across Russia is finally captured (and it's not very happy about it!): [with comments of Minister of ecology in Yakutia region, Sahamin Afanasiev]

Stewart Will , Стюарт Уилл
Архивировано : [новостной сайт] 26.09.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Stewart, Will .
The adventure is over! Polar bear that wandered 675 miles from its habitat across Russia is finally captured.- [16+]. -

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