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Номера 2016 года:
Вам будет интересно
Meet the 'brolar bear': Brown bears are mating with polar bears in Russia and creating a hybrid animal that is more resilient to climate change: [comments of а biologist at the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SBRAS) Dr Innokentiy Okhlopkov] Якутские медведи от пожаров бегут к людям. На их тушение в республику выслали самолет - амфибию Is climate change behind new threat by brown and black bears on people? I thought it was the end: [Sergei Rumyantsev] Гидросфера и злокачественные новообразования в Якутии: монография Man risks his life trying to free bear with its head stuck in a giant tin... only for the frightened animal to run off into Russian forest before it can be saved: [comments of a spokeswoman of ministry of ecology, management of natural resources and forestry of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Anna Nalimova] Expectant mothers face unexpected surprise as brown bear checks out a maternity hospital Bear invasion: state of emergency as hungry predators seek food in towns and villages Geologists fail to save screaming colleague as he is carried away and mauled by bear Moment passing drivers rescued wild brown bear cub that had petrol can stuck on its head after they spotted it struggling by side of road in Siberia