What it's really like to live in the "coldest city on Earth": Siberian woman documents day-to-day life in remote area where residents brave -95 degree temperatures, harvest ice for water, and dine on raw horse meat
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Обложка электронного документа What it's really like to live in the "coldest city on Earth": Siberian woman documents day-to-day life in remote area where residents brave -95 degree temperatures, harvest ice for water, and dine on raw horse meat

What it's really like to live in the "coldest city on Earth": Siberian woman documents day-to-day life in remote area where residents brave -95 degree temperatures, harvest ice for water, and dine on raw horse meat

Tempesta Erica, Темпеста Эрика
Dailymail.co.uk : [новостной сайт] 01.06.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Tempesta, Erica.
What it's really like to live in the "coldest city on Earth": Siberian woman documents day-to-day life in remote area where residents brave -95 degree temperatures, harvest ice for water, and dine on raw horse meat / Erica Tempesta ; photo Kiun B. // Dailymail.co.uk : [новостной сайт]. - 2022. - 13 January. URL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10395797/Siberian-woman-reveals-like-live-coldest-city-Earth.html.- [16+]. -

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