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Номера 2023 года:
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A carcass of a well preserved grown up cave bear found: [a well preserved carcass of an extinct cave bear species was found on Bolshoy Lyakhovsky island] Perfectly preserved Ice Age cave bear found in Arctic Russia with its teeth and nose intact could be almost 40,000 years old, scientists claim 20,000-year-old mammoth murder established: but was it committed by first American migrants? Team of international scientists poised for hunt to new woolly mammoth graveyard: [comments of the head of the Mammoth Museum in Yakutsk Semyon Grigoryev, scientist of the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Theodore Obade] 13,300-year-old spear made from a woolly rhino horn discovered in Siberia - and it's still sharp enough to kill: [with comments of the Director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University in Yakutsk Semyon Grigoryev] Female woolly mammoth gave birth to nine babies: can she have another 28,000 years later?: [with the comments of the Director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University Semyon Grigoryev] Woolly mammoth skin found 'well preserved in permafrost' gives new hope for cloning: [with the comments of the Director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University Semyon Grigoryev] На острове Беннета в Арктике моряки Северного флота установили памятный знак: [Булунский улус] Земля Находкина: [экспедиция на архипелаг Де-Лонга под эгидой Русского географического общества и к 100-летию ЯАССР] Белый медведь, высокие морские волны, плохая видимость: через что прошли участники якутской экспедиции на остров Беннетта: [к итогам пресс-конференции с участниками экспедиции]