Influence of a change in solar magnetic field polarity on the Jovian electron flux intensity
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Обложка электронного документа Influence of a change in solar magnetic field polarity on the Jovian electron flux intensity

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Influence of a change in solar magnetic field polarity on the Jovian electron flux intensity

The Jupiter is a powerful regular source of high-energy electrons (0,2-40 MeV). In this connection their density in the near-Earth space systematically increases with a period of 399 days, which is coincident with the synodic period of Jupiter. According to our estimations, their energy is sufficient to produce a significant local reduction of the magnetic field in the IMF sector connected with the Jupiter. In this paper the evidence is presented that the electron fluxes in the Jovian sector are controlled by the general magnetic field of the Sun. A treatment of 399-day intervals of the electron fluxes and IMF, obtained from spacecraft data for the period of 1963 to 2000 has been performed by superposed epoch technique taking into account the periodic change of the solar magnetic field polarity. Having adopted the Jupiter opposition day to be an epoch zero, the changes in particle intensity and IMF components under different signs of the general magnetic field of the Sun are found by using a large dataset (9925 days). The times of 399-day variation maxima in different periods of solar activity are compared and a character of their displacement relative to Jupiter opposition momentsis discussed.
  • Библиографическая запись

Skryabin, N. G. Influence of a change in solar magnetic field polarity on the Jovian electron flux intensity / N. G. Skryabin, S. N. Samsonov, I. Ya. Plotnikov // Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 26th annual seminar, 25 - 28 February 2003. – 2003. – P. 159-161.

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