Russian lab to research prehistoric viruses in animals dug from melted permafrost: project aims to identify paleoviruses and study virus evolution using the remains, Siberian lab says
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Обложка электронного документа Russian lab to research prehistoric viruses in animals dug from melted permafrost: project aims to identify paleoviruses and study virus evolution using the remains, Siberian lab says

Russian lab to research prehistoric viruses in animals dug from melted permafrost: project aims to identify paleoviruses and study virus evolution using the remains, Siberian lab says

The Guardian : сетевое издание / учредитель и издатель The Guardian Media Group 19.06.2024
  • Библиографическая запись

Russian lab to research prehistoric viruses in animals dug from melted permafrost : project aims to identify paleoviruses and study virus evolution using the remains, Siberian lab says / comment by Maxim Cheprasov ; photograph by North-Eastern Federal University. - London, 2021. - col. ill. - (Russia).

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