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Пара жителей Якутии попалась на контрабанде бивней. Стоимость партии ценного груза превысила 62 миллиона рублей Мамонтовых браконьеров в Якутии планируют уничтожить как класс. Чиновники пытаются легализовать добычу бивня жителями региона
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Mammoth ivory: curbs on the Siberian trade may be good news for elephants: [curbs and ban of elephant ivory in China has made mining mammoth tusks a much less lucrative business in Russia. Comment of yakut ex-bisnessman on trading ivory Dmitry, director of conservation at WWF Hong Kong David Olson, professional ivory carver from Yakutia Alexander] Scientists in fierce stand against bone hunters at mammoth graveyard: [with the comments of the palaeontologist Sergey Leshchinsky] Meet the mammoth tusk pirates: Russian miners risk their lives to make fortunes by illegally unearthing ivory from prehistoric animals to feed demand from Asia after elephant ban: [with comments of the paleontologist Dr Valery Plоtnikov] In Siberia, Chinese demand for prehistoric tusks fuels 'mammoth rush': [with comments of the palaeontologist at the Yakutia Academy of Sciences Valery Plotnikov] In Russia's far north, prospecting for mammoths is a cottage industry The mammoth hunters: Inside the harsh, vodka-soaked world of the Russian pirates illegally digging up prehistoric remains to sell for millions on the black market Permafrost thaw sparks fear of 'gold rush' for mammoth ivory: prospectors in Russia dig up remains of extinct animals for trade worth an estimated £40m a year Ископаемая мамонтовая кость - особый геокриогенный природный ресурс Севера России: проблемы права, экономики и организация рационального пользования Model of a Summer Festival: [about British museum`s mammoth ivory sculptures which were bought on the Universal Exhibition in Paris in August 1867. Probably they were made in the middle of 19 century by yakut master] Ученые Якутии предлагают создать палеогенетическое криохранилище: [с комментарием младшего научного сотрудника лаборатории Музея мамонта СВФУ Гаврила Новгородова, кандидата биологических наук, старшего научного сотрудника научного центра "Вектор" Олеси Охлопковой]