Production of biological fertilizers based on worm technology in Yakutia: [it is an abstract of research article about effectiveness of worm composting from local substrates in the production of biological fertilizers in the vegetable growing system of Yakutia]
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Обложка электронного документа Production of biological fertilizers based on worm technology in Yakutia: [it is an abstract of research article about effectiveness of worm composting from local substrates in the production of biological fertilizers in the vegetable growing system of Yakutia]

Production of biological fertilizers based on worm technology in Yakutia: [it is an abstract of research article about effectiveness of worm composting from local substrates in the production of biological fertilizers in the vegetable growing system of Yakutia]

Stepanova D. I., Степанова Д. И., Григорьев М. Ф., Григорьева А. И., Grigorev M. F., Grigoreva A. I.
Архивировано : [научные статьи] 21.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Stepanova, D.
I. Production of biological fertilizers based on worm technology in Yakutia : [it is an abstract of research article about effectiveness of worm composting from local substrates in the production of biological fertilizers in the vegetable growing system of Yakutia] / D. I. Stepanova , M. F. Grigorev, A. I. Grigoreva // : [научные статьи]. - 2021. - [без даты]. Режим доступа: [16+]. -

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