Геоэкологические условия долины Туймаада (Центральная Якутия) = Geoecolog conditions of the Tuymaad valley (Central Yakutia)
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Обложка электронного документа Геоэкологические условия долины Туймаада (Центральная Якутия) = Geoecolog conditions of the Tuymaad valley (Central Yakutia)

Геоэкологические условия долины Туймаада (Центральная Якутия) = Geoecolog conditions of the Tuymaad valley (Central Yakutia)

The most important practical problem of geoecology is the study of pollution of environmental components as factors of environmental degradation. Monitoring studies of the Tuymaada valley indicate a deterioration in its ecological condition. Particularly active is the contamination of the soil with heavy metals. In this connection, the soil cover in the territory of the city of Yakutsk and adjacent settlements was investigated, with the calculation of the total indicator of soil cover pollution. It has been established that the territory of the city of Yakutsk is the most degraded and polluted. The main pollutants contributing to the pollution are lead, manganese and copper.
  • Библиографическая запись

Сивцева Н. Е. Геоэкологические условия долины Туймаада (Центральная Якутия) / Наталья Сивцева // Геология и минерально-сырьевые ресурсы Северо-Востока России : материалы X Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, 08–10 апреля 2020. – Якутск : Издательский дом СВФУ, 2020. – С. 514-518.