Авторы Григорьев Семен Егорович Григорьев Семен Егорович ID автора SPIN-код: 7782-4750, РИНЦ AuthorID: 118618 Биография Родился в с. Болугур Амгинского района ЯАССР. Окончил Якутский государственный университет им. М. К. Аммосова (1995). Защитил кандидатскую диссертацию на тему "Фауна и экология мелких млекопитающих бассейна нижнего течения р. Яна и прилегающих территорий в условиях антропогенного воздействия" (2007). Ученая степень/звание канд. биол. наук Контакты Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова, Научно-исследовательский институт прикладной экологии Севера имени профессора Дмитрия Дмитриевича Саввинова ; 677013, г. Якутск, ул. Кулаковского, 48 ; https://www.s-vfu.ru Место работы В 1995-1996 гг. работал учителем биологии и химии Казачинской средней школы, с 1998 г. работал в ЯГУ им. М. К. Аммосова. Область научных интересов Палеозоология, палеоэкология The mid-last glacial habitats of the palaeolithic peopling of the Kolyma basin, Nortn-East Yakutia = Следы обитания человека эпохи палеолита в интергляциале бассейна Колымы, северо-восток Якутии Закрытый доступ Team of international scientists poised for hunt to new woolly mammoth graveyard: [comments of the head of the Mammoth Museum in Yakutsk Semyon Grigoryev, scientist of the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Theodore Obade] Liesowska Anna Открытый доступ Woolly mammoth skin found 'well preserved in permafrost' gives new hope for cloning: [with the comments of the Director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University Semyon Grigoryev] Открытый доступ Blood and muscle from an extinct mammoth is found in Siberia say scientists: [with comments of the head of the Museum of Mammoths of the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North at the North Eastern Federal University Semyon Grigoriev] Открытый доступ The remains of an 8,000 year old lunch: an extinct steppe bison's tail: [with comments of the director of Mammoth Museum, North-Eastern Federal University Dr Semyon Grigoryev] Открытый доступ Scientists try to clone 40,000-year-old horse to bring it back to life: [comments of the director of the Mammoth Museum in Yakutsk Semyon Grigoriev, cloning specialist from South Korea Professor Hwang Woo Suk] Открытый доступ The cloned dogs of war: Russia unveils genetically-enhanced canines which will work with Putin's Special Forces and were created by scientist attempting to restore woolly mammoths: [with comments of Mammoth Museum director Semyon Grigoryev] Stewart Will Открытый доступ Молекулярно-генетические исследования ископаемых животных Якутии Закрытый доступ Extinct tigers, dogs, deer and bison to join woolly mammoths being cloned back to life Открытый доступ Top Russian scientist trying to clone extinct Ice Age woolly mammoth from remains frozen for tens of thousands of years in the Siberian permafrost dies suddenly from heart attack: [with comments of the head of the Mammoth Fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov, palaeontologist of the Tomsk State University Sergey Leshchinsky] Stewart Will Открытый доступ Exclusive: The first pictures of blood from a 10,000 year old Siberian woolly mammoth: [with comments of the director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University Semyon Grigoriev] Liesowska Anna Открытый доступ Female woolly mammoth gave birth to nine babies: can she have another 28,000 years later?: [with the comments of the Director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University Semyon Grigoryev] Liesowska Anna Открытый доступ Основные тенденции развития и современное состояние международного научного сотрудничества Якутии в сфере палеонтологии The main trends of development and current state of international scientific cooperation of Yakutia in the field of paleontology Открытый доступ The 40,000-year-old baby horse dug out of the permafrost in Siberia forty millennia after the rest of its species went extinct: [with comments of the head of the Mammoth Museum in Yakutsk Semyon Grigoryev] Stewart Will Открытый доступ Russia scraps its cloned dogs of war program after first batch of 'superpups' flunked basic tests because they could not handle the cold Stewart Will Открытый доступ