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Рекомендации по теме
The Role of permafrost ecosystems in global climate change Proceedings of the Symposium on Joint Siberian Permafrost Studies between Japan and Russia in 1992-1994 Left Behind in Russia’s Far East. Yakutia, land of permafrost and diamonds, is on the crossroads of destiny Определение участков талых пород в многолетнемерзлом массиве по данным георадиолокации Determination of areas of thawed rocks in a permafrost massif based on gpr data Permafrost thaw sparks fear of 'gold rush' for mammoth ivory: prospectors in Russia dig up remains of extinct animals for trade worth an estimated £40m a year Well-preserved 28,000-year-old lion cub found in Siberian permafrost: female cave lion cub named Sparta in Russia’s Yakutia region may even have traces of mother’s milk in it Russian lab to research prehistoric viruses in animals dug from melted permafrost: project aims to identify paleoviruses and study virus evolution using the remains, Siberian lab says Siberia permafrost yields well-preserved ice age woolly rhino: calf carcass from thawing ground in north-east region of Yakutia found with many internal organs intact
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Номера 2023 года:
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