Model of a Summer Festival: [about British museum`s mammoth ivory sculptures which were bought on the Universal Exhibition in Paris in August 1867. Probably they were made in the middle of 19 century by yakut master]
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Обложка электронного документа Model of a Summer Festival: [about British museum`s mammoth ivory sculptures which were bought on the Universal Exhibition in Paris in August 1867. Probably they were made in the middle of 19 century by yakut master]

Model of a Summer Festival: [about British museum`s mammoth ivory sculptures which were bought on the Universal Exhibition in Paris in August 1867. Probably they were made in the middle of 19 century by yakut master]

Brown Alison, Браун Элисон, Иванова-Лоу Татьяна, Пирс Элеонор, Аргунова-Лоу Татьяна Ивановна, Пирс Элеонор
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А : [образовательный портал] 17.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Model of a Summer Festival : [about British museum`s mammoth ivory sculptures which were bought on the Universal Exhibition in Paris in August 1867. Probably they were made in the middle of 19 century by yakut master] / Alison Brown, Tatiana Argounova-Low, Eleanor Peers // А : [образовательный портал]. - [без года]. - [без даты]. Режим доступа: https: // [16+]. -

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