Freeze frame: how the Arctic republic of Yakutia forged its own indigenous film industry: [about problems and success film industry in Yakutia. Comments of actress Galina Tikhonova, film director Eduard Novikov, member of Arctic International Film Fund Anne Lajla Utsi, Sakhafilm cameraman Semyon Amanatov]
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Обложка электронного документа Freeze frame: how the Arctic republic of Yakutia forged its own indigenous film industry: [about problems and success film industry in Yakutia. Comments of actress Galina Tikhonova, film director Eduard Novikov, member of Arctic International Film Fund Anne Lajla Utsi, Sakhafilm cameraman Semyon Amanatov]

Freeze frame: how the Arctic republic of Yakutia forged its own indigenous film industry: [about problems and success film industry in Yakutia. Comments of actress Galina Tikhonova, film director Eduard Novikov, member of Arctic International Film Fund Anne Lajla Utsi, Sakhafilm cameraman Semyon Amanatov]

Davies Katie Marie, Дэвис Кэти Мари
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С : [портал о современной культуре] 17.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Freeze frame: how the Arctic republic of Yakutia forged its own indigenous film industry : [about problems and success film industry in Yakutia. Comments of actress Galina Tikhonova, film director Eduard Novikov, member of Arctic International Film Fund Anne Lajla Utsi, Sakhafilm cameraman Semyon Amanatov] / Katie Marie Davies // С : [портал о современной культуре]. - 2018. - 2 августа. Режим доступа: https: // [16+]. -

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