Observations of short-term waves with an all sky camera in the infrared oh brightness over Yakutsk
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Observations of short-term waves with an all sky camera in the infrared oh brightness over Yakutsk

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Physics of auroral phenomena
Statistical analysis of internal gravity wave parameters registered by variations of the hydroxyl molecule emission is presented. The wave structures are detected with an all sky infrared camera at the optical station of Maimaga (φ=63° N; λ=129.50°E geographic). The data obtained for the period of 1998 to 2002 show that the small-scale internal gravity waves propagate predominantly westward. The observed wavelengths vary from 15.4 to 100 km. (the average value is ~40 km), the horizontal phase speeds are between 19 and 166 m s-¹ (the average value is ~63 m s-¹) and the estimated periods are 9-90 min (the average value is ~17 min). The wavelengths and phase speeds at high latitudes is probably due to the large intensities of the filtering winds compared to those in the middle atmosphere. The short waves (wavelengths shorter than 17.5 km) propagate in the same direction as the long ones.
  • Библиографическая запись

Ammosov, P. P. Observations of short-term waves with an all sky camera in the infrared oh brightness over Yakutsk / P. P. Ammosov, G. A. Gavrilyeva // Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 26th annual seminar, 25 -28 February 2003. – 2003. – P. 179-181.

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