Unmasked: the scale of Arctic junk polluting the pristine environment: [with comments of the minister for nature preservation in the Republic of Sakha Sahamin Afanasiyev, Kirill Chistyakov vice president of Russian Geographic Society and director of the Institute of Earth Studies at St Petersburg State University]
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Обложка электронного документа Unmasked: the scale of Arctic junk polluting the pristine environment: [with comments of the minister for nature preservation in the Republic of Sakha Sahamin Afanasiyev, Kirill Chistyakov vice president of Russian Geographic Society and director of the Institute of Earth Studies at St Petersburg State University]

Unmasked: the scale of Arctic junk polluting the pristine environment: [with comments of the minister for nature preservation in the Republic of Sakha Sahamin Afanasiyev, Kirill Chistyakov vice president of Russian Geographic Society and director of the Institute of Earth Studies at St Petersburg State University]

Gertcyk Olga , Герцик Ольга
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Siberiantimes.com : [новостной сайт] 02.10.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Gertcyk, Olga .
Unmasked: the scale of Arctic junk polluting the pristine environment : [with comments of the minister for nature preservation in the Republic of Sakha Sahamin Afanasiyev, Kirill Chistyakov vice president of Russian Geographic Society and director of the Institute of Earth Studies at St Petersburg State University] / Olga Gertcyk ; photo Liza Udilova, Vitaliy Dvorjchenko, Alexander Oboimov // Siberiantimes.com : [новостной сайт]. - 2016. - 15 December. URL: https://siberiantimes.com/ecology/casestudy/features/f0276-unmasked-the-scale-of-arctic-junk-polluting-the-pristine-environment/.- [18+]. -

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