Forests on fire: 'no attempt will be made to extinguish 219 million hectares of burning trees': [with the comments of an expert on specially protected areas at Greenpeace Russia Mikhail Kreindlin, deputy head of Rosleskhoz Nikolai Krotov]
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Обложка электронного документа Forests on fire: 'no attempt will be made to extinguish 219 million hectares of burning trees': [with the comments of an expert on specially protected areas at Greenpeace Russia Mikhail Kreindlin, deputy head of Rosleskhoz Nikolai Krotov]

Forests on fire: 'no attempt will be made to extinguish 219 million hectares of burning trees': [with the comments of an expert on specially protected areas at Greenpeace Russia Mikhail Kreindlin, deputy head of Rosleskhoz Nikolai Krotov]

Gertcyk Olga , Герциг Ольга
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Архивировано : [новостной сайт] 05.06.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

Gertcyk, Olga .
Forests on fire: 'no attempt will be made to extinguish 219 million hectares of burning trees' : [with the comments of an expert on specially protected areas at Greenpeace Russia Mikhail Kreindlin, deputy head of Rosleskhoz Nikolai Krotov] / Olga Gertcyk ; photo Alexander Krivoshapkin, Anton Klimov, Aviarosleskhoz // : [новостной сайт]. - 2016. - 29 May. URL: [18+]. -

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