In Yakutia, Russia digs for diamonds in permafrost: [how they work in cold winters, quality of yakut diamonds, ecological damage to the Vilyuy basin. Comments of the director of Mirny's diamond sorting centre Oleg Popov, worker of this center Irina Senyukova, driver of track Dmitry Averyanov]
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Обложка электронного документа In Yakutia, Russia digs for diamonds in permafrost: [how they work in cold winters, quality of yakut diamonds, ecological damage to the Vilyuy basin. Comments of  the director of Mirny's diamond sorting centre Oleg Popov, worker of this center Irina Senyukova, driver of track Dmitry Averyanov]

In Yakutia, Russia digs for diamonds in permafrost: [how they work in cold winters, quality of yakut diamonds, ecological damage to the Vilyuy basin. Comments of the director of Mirny's diamond sorting centre Oleg Popov, worker of this center Irina Senyukova, driver of track Dmitry Averyanov]

Palasciano Andrea, Паласкиано Андреа
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Р : [научный портал] 17.03.2023
  • Библиографическая запись

In Yakutia, Russia digs for diamonds in permafrost : [how they work in cold winters, quality of yakut diamonds, ecological damage to the Vilyuy basin. Comments of the director of Mirny's diamond sorting centre Oleg Popov, worker of this center Irina Senyukova, driver of track Dmitry Averyanov] / Andrea Palasciano // Р : [научный портал]. - 2019. - 7 июля. Режим доступа: https: // [16+]. -

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