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Рекомендации по теме
Ценную мумию обнаружила якутская школьница. Таким случайным открытиям ученые могут только позавидовать Древнюю печь для плавки золота обнаружили археологи в Якутии
Другие выпуски
Номера 2019 года:
Вам будет интересно
'World's oldest mummified dog' goes under the knife: 12,400-year-old canine is given post-mortem examination - and it reveals she died in a landslide: [with comments of the Professor of the Institute of Medicine of North-Eastern Federal University Darima Garmaeva, the Palaeontology Department of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Dr Mietje Germonpre] Археологи нашли останки мамонта, шерстистого носорога и бизона в Якутии 9,300-year-old bison revealed: 'Autopsy' shows ancient mammal unearthed in Siberia still has a complete brain, heart and digestive system: [with comments of the scientist of the Mammoth Site of Hot Springs in South Dakota Dr. Olga Potapova] Perfectly preserved head of Ice Age wolf found in Siberia Russia uncovers 40,000 year-old wolf head, preserved in ice The hound from hell: Severed 16-inch head of a giant Ice Age wolf - nearly TWICE the size of its modern-day descendants - is found amazingly preserved in Siberian permafrost after 40,000 years: [with comments of the russian scientist Dr Albert Protopopov] The Ice Age 'puppy' with a velvety nose: Young canine with long whiskers is found perfectly preserved in the Siberian permafrost 18,000 years after it died: [comment of the the scientist of the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North, at Russia’s North-Eastern Federal University Dr Sergey Fedorov] Pawfect Frozen ‘puppy’ with whiskers and velvety nose still intact found in Siberia 18,000 years after it died: [comment of the scientist of the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North, at Russia’s North-Eastern Federal University Dr Sergey Fedorov] Russian scientists present ancient puppy found in permafrost: [comments of the scientist with the North Eastern Federal University Sergei Fyodorov, professor of evolutionary genetics Love Dalén] Is this Tumat Dog's brother? Another 12,400-year-old puppy carcass is unearthed in the Russian permafrost: [with comments of the рrofessor of the Institute of Medicine of Sakha Republic Darima Garmaeva]