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Номера 2021 года:
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Melting permafrost could release potentially deadly ancient viruses and bacteria, Russian scientists fear Permafrost thaw puts Russia’s Arctic ambitions at risk: [about problems of climat thawing] Two-storey residential building breaks apart in Yakutsk, Russia’s permafrost capital Building breaks in middle and collapses 10 metres as thawing permafrost no longer supports stilts: [with comments of the director of the North-Eastern Scientific Station outside Chersky Nikita Zimov] Siberia's ‘gateway to the underworld' grows as record heat wave thaws permafrost: [about permafrost thaws in terms of Batagay's largest slump in Yakutia. Comments of a permafrost scientist at Lomonosov Moscow State University Alexander Kizyakov, a paleoclimatologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute Thomas Opel, a paleobotanist at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History Kseniia Ashastina] New Siberian cave research urgently needed amid fresh fears of global warming Russia's remote permafrost thaws, threatening homes and infrastructure: [with comments of the director of Yakutsk's Melnikov Permafrost Institute Mikhail Zheleznyak, the deputy director of the Permafrost Institute Alexander Fyodorov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russian Federation Alexander Kozlov] Из-за таяния мерзлоты Якутску придется переезжать. Бонусом к таянию, человечество получит выброс углекислого газа в атмосферу: [с комментариями директора Института мерзловедения РАН Александра Федорова] 250 млрд убытков может принести России таяние вечной мерзлоты. Такой вывод озвучил американский ученый Worst-Ever Arctic Fires Released Record Amount of CO2: [comments of the Mark Parrington, senior scientist at CAMS]