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Scientists could CLONE 50,000-year-old cave lion cub in Jurassic Park-style experiment after it was found perfectly preserved in Siberia: [with comments of the expert with the regional academy of sciences Dr Albert Protopopov] Extinct cave lion cubs found frozen in ice
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Номера 2014 года:
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Whiskers still bristling after more than 12,000 years in the Siberian cold: [with comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov] Meet Sparta, the "best preserved ice age animal ever found" Extinct prehistoric cave lions could have had leopard-style SPOTS, says scientist looking to clone a 43,500-year-old cub rejected by its mother: [with comments of the senior scientist at the Laboratory of Mammals at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dr Alexei Tikhonov] Cave lion cub found in Siberian permafrost is 28,000 years old В Якутии собирают подписи под обращением к Путину в связи с экологической катастрофой. В очередном загрязнении реки винят ПАО "АЛРОСА": [с комментариями якутского общественника Николая Барамыгина, главного эколога "АЛРОСА" Полины Анисимовой] В Якутии АЛРОСА проиграла апелляцию и заплатит штраф за загрязнение рек. Компания не согласилась со штрафом в 30 тыс. рублей "АЛРОСА выгодней платить и продолжать убивать реки Якутии". В республике не верят больше алмазным дельцам Scientists in fierce stand against bone hunters at mammoth graveyard: [with the comments of the palaeontologist Sergey Leshchinsky] Meet Uyan and Dina, the 10,000-year-old cave lion cubs: First close-up pictures of the ancient predators are unveiled: [with comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov] Tragic truth about two frozen 55,000 year old cave lion cubs is revealed by scientists: [with comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov]