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Mammoth-elephant hybrids could be created within the decade. Should they be?
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Номера 2018 года:
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The Ice Age 'puppy' with a velvety nose: Young canine with long whiskers is found perfectly preserved in the Siberian permafrost 18,000 years after it died: [comment of the the scientist of the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North, at Russia’s North-Eastern Federal University Dr Sergey Fedorov] Pawfect Frozen ‘puppy’ with whiskers and velvety nose still intact found in Siberia 18,000 years after it died: [comment of the scientist of the Institute of Applied Ecology of the North, at Russia’s North-Eastern Federal University Dr Sergey Fedorov] Russian scientists present ancient puppy found in permafrost: [comments of the scientist with the North Eastern Federal University Sergei Fyodorov, professor of evolutionary genetics Love Dalén] Mammoth task: the Russian family on a resurrection quest to tackle the climate crisis: [about efforts to slow permafrost thawing, issues of melting and playing God] Reining blood. Liquid blood sucked from heart of 42,000-year-old horse that scientists hope to clone in bold bid to bring back extinct species Perfectly preserved head of Ice Age wolf found in Siberia 46.000 year old bird found "frozen in time" in Siberia Вскрытие туши древнего бизона провели специалисты СВФУ: [с комментариями заведующего Музеем мамонта СВФУ Максима Чепрасова, профессора, директора Фонда биотехнологических исследований ОАЭ Хванг Ву Сок] Археологи нашли останки мамонта, шерстистого носорога и бизона в Якутии Глава Якутии заявил о намерении возродить популяцию мамонтов. Многомиллиардный проект был представлен на заседании Арктического совета по устойчивому развитию