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Рекомендации по теме
Бөрөһүккэ сүбэ: (I түһүмэҕэ) 40 000 year old wolf´s head found in Siberia: [about the remains wolf´s head found on the banks of Tirekhtyakh River (Yakutia). Comment of a director of the department at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha Albert Protopopov] "State of emergency" over wolf attacks in Siberian region The wolf plague of Siberia that is threatening its reindeer population: Hunters prepare for cull as the predators threaten remote villages: [with comments of the 12 years old resident of the village Uchugei Anna Afanasyeva] Wolf killings are based on the most cynical of premises Siberia is thick with wolves, and hunters are in demand
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Номера 2016 года:
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