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Номера 2021 года:
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Smoke from wildfires covers 1,000 villages in Siberia: [with comments of meteorologist with the Fobos weather center Yelena Volosyuk] Wildfires endanger villages, fuel site, in Russia’s Siberia: [with comments of the head of Yakutia Aysen Nikolayev] Якутск накрыло дымом от "своих" и "чужих" лесных пожаров. В воздухе отмечается повышенное содержание вредных веществ: [с комментариями заместителя руководителя Рослесхоза Алексея Венглинского] Wildfires rage in Russia's Siberia, cause airport to close: [with comments of the Yakutia's governor Aysen Nikolayev, resident of Magaras Vasiliy Krivoshapkin] В Якутске из-за дыма горожанам стало трудно дышать. Специалисты выявили в воздухе слишком большое количество окиси углерода Planes dump water on Siberian wildfires as residents plead for help: [with comments of the Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, head of WWF Russia's forest programme office Andrey Shegolev] Russia’s Putin urges stronger response to Siberian wildfires Russia evacuates 2 villages in Siberia because of wildfires Wildfires rage in Russia’s Siberia, cause airport to close: [comments of the head of Yakutia Aysen Nikolayev] Volunteers pitch in to fight Russia’s raging forest fires: [comments of a member of the Russian parliament from Sakha Fedot Tumusov, Mikhail Kreindlin from Greenpeace Russia, a senior scientist at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Mark Parrington]