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Номера 2020 года:
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Ancient bones of mystery creature dug up by children in Yakutian village: [with the comments of the head of the local school lore museum Varvara Kuzmina] Paleolithic man's 'butchering' tools found at site of 'largest woolly mammoth graveyard in Asia': [with comments of the рaleontologist Sergey Leshchinsky, Professor and deputy director of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography at the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vasily Zenin] Frozen pygmy woolly mammoth carcass unearthed in Siberia could be proof of a new species of ice age beast: [with comments of the Mammoth expert, head of the department for the study of mammoth fauna, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Dr Albert Protopopov] Woolly rhinoceros baby is three times older than thought: Autopsy reveals 18-month-old calf roamed Siberia 34,000 years ago: [with comments of the head of the Department of Mammoth Fauna Studies of the Sakha Republic Academy of Science Dr Albert Protopopov] Do 12,000-year-old frozen lion cubs contain the world's oldest 'mother's milk'? Autopsy on ancient animals is expected to reveal a 'white fluid' in their remains Scientists bid to clone Stone Age cave lions after unearthing two 12,000-year-old cubs preserved in Siberian permafrost: [comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov] Severed head of large wolf found perfectly preserved in Siberian permafrost 40,000 years after it died: [with comments of the head of mammoth fauna studies at the Yakutia academy of sciences Dr Albert Protopopov] Meet Uyan and Dina, the 10,000-year-old cave lion cubs: First close-up pictures of the ancient predators are unveiled: [with comments of the head of the mammoth fauna studies department of the Yakutian Academy of Sciences Dr Albert Protopopov] Suspected first trace of Beringia people on the land bridge - now mostly sunken - joining Russia and North America: [with the comments of the researcher Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North (IHRISN) Tomas Simokaitis] Perfectly preserved Ice Age cave bear found in Arctic Russia with its teeth and nose intact could be almost 40,000 years old, scientists claim