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Рекомендации по теме
Social Problems of Industrial Development of the Arctic Territories = Социальные проблемы промышленного освоения арктических территорий
Другие выпуски
Номера 2020 года:
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Ethno-Identification Symbols in the Formation of National Consciousness = Этноидентификационные символы в формировании национального самосознания The Dolgans’ Ethnic Identity and Language Processes = Этническое самосознание и языковые процессы у долган The Yakut Evens’ Culture of Calendar Holidays: Traditions and Modernity (Symbolism of Rituals) = Календарная праздничная культура эвенов Якутии: традиции и современность (символика обрядовой деятельности) Peculiarities of Legal Regulation of Socio-Cultural Development of Native Small-Numbered Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East under the Conditions of Global Transformations = Особенности правового регулирования социокультурного развития коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока в условиях глобальных трансформаций Internationalisation with the use of Arctic indigeneity: the case of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia EALLU and Arctic indigenous people' food systems: [about project of Indigenous youth EALLU, which navigates towards development for Arctic Indigenous Peoples based on their own premises. They want to save the food culture of Indigenous Peoples] Russian championship's envoy for indigenous and regional cooperation: "As an outcome of this cooperation, life onthe ground should become better": [comment of deputy minister for Arctic development and Indigenous Peoples affairs in the Sakha Republic Dr. Mikhail Pogodaev about his activity, problems of Arctic, ambitions] Cultural heritage of the indigenous Arctic peoples of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia): [it is an abstract of research article about cultural heritage of the indigenous people, necessity to preserve environment, material and spiritual culture of society for further develomment of the nation] Making space for Indigenous perspectives: cultural sovereignty in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): [it is an abstract of article about the ways of further development of Arctica with saving its identity] An Introduction to the Yakut People: [information about Sakha Republik. Its a short information about native people, culture and history. Also there is an invitation to visit Yakutia with their group]